Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Old friends are the best friends!
While we were in Snowflake for Christmas our old cheer squad met up for lunch. It was so much fun to reminisce and laugh about old times. We had such a good and fun group of girls and the best coach ever. (We love you Donna!) We will be "wolf sistas" forever! :)
We also had a get together with all the girls I graduated with who were in town. We ate breakfast at a new little restaurant in town. It was so much fun to catch up with each other and see all the new babies! crazy...
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Missing You......
Well, I am not one to be too sappy on the blog but I just wanted to leave a post to my husband. Since the pregnancy sickness set in 7 weeks ago he has taking care of me and the house without a complaint. He has been doing the cooking, cleaning, laundry and everything else you can think of. He has been so busy with finals and work and often times comes home to relax only to find his wife sick and not functioning much. I feel so bad that he has been going to church alone, shopping alone, running alone, everything that we used to do together. Again, he does not complain and he still treats me like a queen. On top of all that he has offered to help 2 different familiess move and offered to go to Snowflake to help my dad clean buildings since he had elbow surgery. He is always thinking of others.
So, as you can see, not only do I love Porter so much, I have relied on him a lot lately. On Friday we decided he should go to Snowflake for Christmas break to help my poor dad work who just came out of surgery. Porter was so worried about leaving his sick wife but I knew he would be bored here without work or school and I knew our families would love to have him in town a little bit longer, plus I had to work Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday so he would be so bored here at home.
Anyway, I have missed you so much Porter. I miss your smile and the way you make me laugh. You light up any day and make me so happy. Thanks for being the best husband ever. Thanks for being so willing to help anyone. You're a loved, husband, brother, son, friend, son-in-law, and brother-in-law and soon-to-be father. I miss you! The house has been so lonely without you around. (Thanks Britt and Aaron for letting me bumb over at your house today!) Can't wait to see you on Tuesday babe!!!

Thanks for the note you left on our bed Friday. I loved it!

I miss this!.....

And this! ;)
So, as you can see, not only do I love Porter so much, I have relied on him a lot lately. On Friday we decided he should go to Snowflake for Christmas break to help my poor dad work who just came out of surgery. Porter was so worried about leaving his sick wife but I knew he would be bored here without work or school and I knew our families would love to have him in town a little bit longer, plus I had to work Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday so he would be so bored here at home.
Anyway, I have missed you so much Porter. I miss your smile and the way you make me laugh. You light up any day and make me so happy. Thanks for being the best husband ever. Thanks for being so willing to help anyone. You're a loved, husband, brother, son, friend, son-in-law, and brother-in-law and soon-to-be father. I miss you! The house has been so lonely without you around. (Thanks Britt and Aaron for letting me bumb over at your house today!) Can't wait to see you on Tuesday babe!!!
Thanks for the note you left on our bed Friday. I loved it!
I miss this!.....
And this! ;)
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Well, I havn't posted for about a month now. It seems I can't bring myself to do anything above the bare minimum necessary to keep going. Pregnancy is not for the birds that is for sure. I have felt pretty dang sick but am trying to remember how blessed and happy we are for this. We had our first Dr.'s appt on Friday. It was amazing. I was pretty disappointed to find out that I am only 9 1/2 weeks along. WHAT? I was sure I was much further than that considering how long I have been sick already. I guess I will have to keep enduring :) Here are a few pictures of what we have been up to the last month, which is not much. Poor Porter has been taking care of everything, after a day of work I can't do a thing when I get home. The thought of food makes me vomit. Thanks to Mom and Britt for making us lots of little dinners! We love you guys!
I took a picture of our ultra sound. It is super blurry but you can see the little guy/girl a little bit!!! Soooo cute already :)
Here is my little tummy. I can feel a little bump already. I am in trouble at this rate but can't wait!
We went to the Mesa Temple Christmas Lights on Friday night with Britt and Aaron. They were beautiful as always and get you in the Christmas spirit!
We had our Christmas Party with Grandma and Grandpa Dayton the day after Thanksgiving. It was tons of fun!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Our little family...

Is growing!!!!

We are finally having a baby!!! We recently found out and were to excited to keep it quite very long. We can not wait to be parents. We feel so blessed! Thank you to family and friends for your prayers and support. So far all is going well and I feel good, hopefully this continues. :)

Is growing!!!!
We are finally having a baby!!! We recently found out and were to excited to keep it quite very long. We can not wait to be parents. We feel so blessed! Thank you to family and friends for your prayers and support. So far all is going well and I feel good, hopefully this continues. :)
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Happy Fall!

Saturday night Britt and Aaron invited us to go the the Schnepf Farms Pumpkin and Chili party. It was quite the event. It was nearly as crowded as Disney Land! There were go cart races, carnival rides, the corn maze, a petting zoo, pig and goat races, shows to watch, miniature golf and don't for get the pumpkin patch! (Brynlie's favorite) We had a really good time. If anyone hasn't been I would recommend it. Hope everyone is having a great Fall!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Conference Weekend
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Bye Bye D-backs...
Well, things have been so busy and weeks are flying by. Porter is taking 16 credits from ASU and cleaning pools part-time while I am busy at good ol' WIC during the week. Then every weekend we have had something exciting to do or company. This last weekend Mark, Marsha and Gunner came down for the D-backs game. Their season is over now but the game Saturday was actually really good and they won! Gunner got free tickets from St. Joseph's Hospital for being a heart patient there just a few months back. It was pretty neat. There were quite a few other patients there in the same section and it was fun to watch Gunner go give his nurses hugs. They were so happy to see how healthy he looks. We are so glad he is doing so well. He is such a fun and good kid. Thank you for sharing your tickets with us Gunner! By the end of the night Gunner had collected free shirts for all of us. He seems to have a way with people! :)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Thank you!
I have the best friends and family! Thank you to everyone who made my b-day so great! I received so many nice comments, phone calls, and company. Thanks for the post Porter, I never expected that! Porter and I went camping up by Woods Canyon Lake on Friday. We are turning into quite the campers lately. Since Porter started studying foresty at school a few months ago we have been 3 times already. We are getting to be pros and our pretty proud of how fast we can pack up and unpack now! :) He says, that since I studied nutrition and he eats my food I have to camp with him now that he studies forestry. ha. It is pretty fun though, I just hope we don't end up like his teacher who camps 140 days a year! Then Saturday morning Britt and Aaron brought their boat out and meet Porter and I at Woods Canyon Lake and my parents ended up coming too. We had so much fun. Here are a few pics, of course, I didn't take many. Thanks again to everyone! I love you all.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Happy Birthday to My SWEETHEART!!!
I have been thinking of a million ways of how to surprise you and be thoughtful for your big day, and one finally came to me. POST ON OUR BLOG. I know it is not that creative but if people knew of my lack a creativity they might understand. + not too many guys post. I think! So I hope this might be somewhat of a surprise b-day present for you. First I would like to say how grateful I am to have you in my life. You are totally awesome and I mean totally. I love you so much. I hope you have a wonderful Day and that you actually make it yours. Being the most selfless person in the whole world, deserves to have her b-day be hers. haha Domini I could only find like two pics of just you for this photo. I think it is my turn to take the some pictures. Maybe glamour shots is another great idea for a b-day present. but I'll ask you before making the appointment with the guy at wal-mart. jaja Love you tons Domini.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
AZ Science Center
This weekend tons of fun, thanks to Britt, Aaron and Bryn! We got to hang out all weekend. We ate most meals together, watched a movie, went to the AZ Science Center, and Britt and I went to a jewlery party (where we laughed about how cheap we are... we were probably the only women whos husbands told them to buy whatever they wanted and left empty handed. ha).
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Ahhh.. Labor day.
For labor day Monty and Kendra invited us up to camp on Graham Mt. We had tons of fun hanging out with them and thier kids and celebrating Monty's B-day. It rained most of the time but luckily our tent didn't leak. We are lucky we didn't get washed away in it though. We played games, horse shoes, cut down a huge dead tree, went on walks, and ate, a lot! Here are some pics of the boys cutting down the tree and Kendra's families cabin. Then my camera died. :(
Also, Britt and Aaron were nice enough to invite us over to help them eat this big slab of meat yesterday. The boys were pretty excited. What is it with men and meat?
We are so lucky to have such great family and had such a good time with everyone this past weekend.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Moving. AGAIN!
Well, I guess you can never know where you will be a month from now. Porter and I have moved back to Gilbert and back into our home here just 5 weeks after we left. We NEVER expected that to happen. The past few months have been a whirlwind and super hectic. After getting settled in Colorado and getting to know the nice little town we found out that Porter's classes were not transferring from ASU like we were originally told. It seems we should have looked into this a bit better (ya think!). Anyway, after Porter talking to every department head, coach, athletic director, etc at the college no one could make his classes transfer since they did not have a program that matched up to the one he was doing here at ASU. He was told it would take between 3 1/2 and 4 years to finish, and he has already been going to school for 3 years at ASU! The whole thing just didn't seem to benefit us at all. Since our house hadn't sold yet we luckily had a place to go when we decided that we felt good about our decision to move back. We think we have FINALLY made the right decision and we feel blessed to feel peace and comfort with this decision. It all was a huge learning experience (and and expensive one) but we know that everything happens for a reason. It is amazing that in 1 week our house is pretty much put back together. It almost feels like a dream and that we never left. We were so blessed that I was able to get hired on at my old job and Porter just found a new job that he started yesterday and he starts school at ASU next week so soon we will be back to our schedules and I guess you could say we just had a very interesting 1 month vacation!
Well.. enough about that. In the midst of moving we had so many of our loved ones B-days. August is a busy month for Birthdays in our family. Gunner, Marsha, Marti, Monty, my Mom, and Brynlie. We feel like slackers in letting them know how much we love them this year with all of our own stress. We love everyone soooo much and are happy to be closer to see them all more often hopefully. Being away makes you grateful for all the little things for sure! Like, little Brynlie's and Mom's B-day party this past weekend. We had a blast at their "under the sea" party Britt hosted. She did a great job. Here are a few pics.
Oh, one more thing, our 3 year anniversary was last Wed. With everything going on we almost forgot about it. I just wanted to let you know that I love you sooo much Porter. You are my best friend! XxOooooXx
Sunday, August 3, 2008

Friday night after dinner Porter and I decided to go camping. We had got lost when we moved here and went through the most beautiful place called "Chama" so we decided to go camp there so we threw a few things in the truck and headed out. It was so beautiful and green with a river on each side of our tent. We had tons of fun. Here are some pictures. My camera was out of batteries and I was soooo mad because there were so many pretty things to take pics off. Here are a few from my cell phone that are a bit hard to see but they will have to do.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
The sites of Alamosa.
Well, things have been busy. We are getting close to getting settled here in Alamosa. Things have been hecktic with learning a new job, a new town, getting ready for school, oh and today at church (it is our first day there and our records are not even there yet) I got called to be the primary choristor. HAHAHAHA! I can not do this!! I have the worst voice ever. Luckily it will only be for a little while they say.... hopefully that is true. I feel so overwhelemed thinking of this. Especially since tomorrow morning we head to Denver for a whole week for a training with my work and next Sunday I am suposed to be ready to go with teaching a new song to the kids. ha. It makes me laugh just to think of it.
It seems that things have been eventful with our families as well. With Gunners heart surgery, Taylor leaving on his mission last week we have all been busy. My parents got a letter from Tay yesterday and it seems that he likes it there. The last think it told my Mom was to not be sad because he is so ready and excited for his mission. I hope he still feels the same way 4 days into it!:) It has been hard on us, especially my Mom and Dad being at the house alone now but we are so glad he is where he is.
Well, we need to get packing for Denver and I need to get working on my vocals for my calling... haha... so I will just post a few pictures of Zapata Falls and the Great Sand Dunes just 30 minutes from our house here in Alamosa. We went there yesterday and it was pretty neat. Take care everyone!!! We love you!

It seems that things have been eventful with our families as well. With Gunners heart surgery, Taylor leaving on his mission last week we have all been busy. My parents got a letter from Tay yesterday and it seems that he likes it there. The last think it told my Mom was to not be sad because he is so ready and excited for his mission. I hope he still feels the same way 4 days into it!:) It has been hard on us, especially my Mom and Dad being at the house alone now but we are so glad he is where he is.
Well, we need to get packing for Denver and I need to get working on my vocals for my calling... haha... so I will just post a few pictures of Zapata Falls and the Great Sand Dunes just 30 minutes from our house here in Alamosa. We went there yesterday and it was pretty neat. Take care everyone!!! We love you!
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