There are so many Birthdays to celebrate this time of year!
Today is our sweet nephew Dayton's Birthday. He is 1 year old now and is such a cute little guy. He puts up with these two girls all the time and likes to give them a hard time already. I can't believe it has been a whole year since you were born little Dayton. I remember that day so well. We are so happy you are in our family and hope you have a wonderful first B-day!
Yesterday was Callie's Birthday. Callie has been the best friend to me. Since 4th grade we have been friends without a single tiff! :) We were instantly friends when we both came to school with silk multi-colored shirts. haha. She has been such a great example to me and I admire her strength so much. We love you so much Callie and hope you had a great birthday. You are the party-planning queen so I am sure it was great. Happy 25th Cal!!