Wednesday, January 27, 2010

We love them so

There are so many Birthdays to celebrate this time of year!
Today is our sweet nephew Dayton's Birthday. He is 1 year old now and is such a cute little guy. He puts up with these two girls all the time and likes to give them a hard time already. I can't believe it has been a whole year since you were born little Dayton. I remember that day so well. We are so happy you are in our family and hope you have a wonderful first B-day!

Yesterday was Callie's Birthday. Callie has been the best friend to me. Since 4th grade we have been friends without a single tiff! :) We were instantly friends when we both came to school with silk multi-colored shirts. haha. She has been such a great example to me and I admire her strength so much. We love you so much Callie and hope you had a great birthday. You are the party-planning queen so I am sure it was great. Happy 25th Cal!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Babe!

Blow out the (26) candles!!!

These girls love each other. We went bowling with the Bonds and Mallory just lights up the second she sees Brynlie. They are buddies already.

Dinner at Abuelos. This is what he wanted to try and it was pretty good. The plates were Gigantic.

Happy Birthday Porter! Mallory and I love you to death! We hope you had a great weekend! I have decided it is not half bad to have a birthday on a Sunday. Then you get to celebrate Friday night, all day Saturday, and have a party on Sunday! We had fun celebrating with you. We are lucky to have your in our life. You are such a great example of love and humility. I love how you are happy everyday no matter what, your laugh is contagious. And how you never speak poor of others and how you are so easy going and up for anything. You brighten our days and we just can't wait for you to get home from work and school at the end of each day! Love you bunches and bunches! -Dom and Malli
p.s. I don't like getting sentimental on the blog so I guess this is enough although I could go on and on! Love you.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


So, yesterday I won a cruise to the Bahamas!!!! YEAH! I entered a contest on movie phone two days ago and didn't think anything else of it. Then yesterday I got a call from Caribbean Cruise Lines with a free cruise for 2 (plus Mallory) to the Bahamas!!! The guy said 1 in 15,000 win as a promotion for their cruise lines. I was so sceptical for so long thinking this is too good to be true but I am pretty convinced now that we really one. We have our reservation number and everything set. We can go any time in the next 18 months so I decided this will be Porter's graduation present! How perfect!!! So, yesterday I started planning how I would surprise him in May when he graduates with a cruise but I couldn't hold it in more than 5 minutes once he got home so the beans are spilled. Oh well. We decided we will use it next May or June so Mallory will be almost 2 and old enough to enjoy it. We are going to stay in Florida for 4 extra days and take Mallory to Sea World or Disney World. We can't wait!!! Still can't believe it! Whohooo...
I love you so much Porter. You deserved a nice getaway after graduating and I wasn't sure if we should go anywhere or not since I just quit working but it looks like we will be chillin in the Bahamas!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Staying home

Yesterday we went on a hike in the Superstitions. Mallory lasted about 2 hours which was plenty for us anyway. She actually feel asleep in the carrier and her poor little head was bobbing all around. She is a little trooper and loves the outdoors.

I got all this in one shopping trip to CVS for about $4 (should have been $91.00) AMAZING! Thanks for getting me started on the coupons Kiara.

I'm a big girl now!

Well, since I am now a stay at home Mom I have realized that I still don't have enough time in the day to get everything done. It is amazing how there is never enough time!
We have been able to do some things we have had on our to-do list though, and have had a lot of fun together since Porter is on a break from school for another week.
I finally got to:
plant a garden
coupon shop
play with Malli more
Run as a family more
Bake bread every week
Go on hikes
Play at the park
Spend time with family
Life is good. I just got an awesome email about living life where we are at the present time and not "dying" for what is to come next. It is so true. I am so grateful for the stage we are in our life now and we feel so blessed in so many ways. Being a wife and a mother is so special.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Family Pictures

Picture overload. Here are just a few of the pictures we had taken yesterday. Mallory was a trouper. She is now 6 months. Weighs about 14#10oz and is 25 inches long. She loves to make noise and say "Dada". She is full of smiles and giggles. Oh how we love you Mallory!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy Holidays

This year has been very eventful for our family. We sure have been blessed and look forward to the new year. Here are pictures of Mallory's first Christmas. Thanks to our parents for taking such good care of us over the holidays. We had such a good time in Snowflake spending time with family for a whole WEEK! When does that ever happen? I am grateful for this time of year to take a moment and remember our Savior's life and mission and all that he has done for us. We hope you all had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!