Well, my body has taken a turn for the worst. The past few weeks I have had this rash on my belly and of course I thought it was normal because everyone says, "oh yeah, your belly itches when you are pregnant". Mine was EXTREMELY itchy but I thought I was just being wimpy. Then on Friday I woke up with the rash covering my feet and ankles. While I was at work I noticed it spreading up my legs and on my hands. This rash is the most itchy thing I have ever felt in my life! It hurts and burns it itches so bad. So, I told Porter about it on my way home he did some research on the Internet and we decided to call the Dr. He told me I probably have a pregnancy rash that 1 in 200 to 300 women get. He said it is so unbearable that they often times induce babies early because that is the only way to make it go away and benedryl and other meds don't really help. I told him I am in so much pain could you please induce me. He said since I was only just about 38 weeks he needed to find some reason to justify inducing me so he sent us to the hospital with our bags packed (just in case we had her!) to have a "non stress test" done to make sure the rash was not stressing the baby. The good news is that she is doing fine, but the bad news is that they decided to have us wait a little bit longer before having her. He said if I don't go in to labor soon he will induce me when I am 39 weeks (6 more days!). But, I don't think I can make it that long. The past 2 nights I have hardly slept. My hands, legs, and stomach hurt sooooo bad. Poor Porter hears me moaning and wimpering all night. I can't wait to get her out of me. This rash is called Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP) and it is one humdinger of a rash! I have the most awful pictures of it but they are too embarrassing to post. I really don't know know how much longer I can handle it and might call to be induced soon. I don't know how I am going to keep going to work feeling like this and not sleeping, besides, we would love to have our little girl!!! Oh, they say this PUPPP rash is very rare and most women that get it are having a very large baby, a multiple birth, or a boy (70%). Haha. We have so many pink things, if we have a boy he is just going to have to wear girly clothes I guess.
Anyway, enough about me, I can't believe it is Porter's first Fathers Day! Happy Fathers Day Babe! I know you will be such a good Daddy to our little girl. You already are! I was sure you would be able to hold her by today but I guess I was wrong! I can't wait to see you two together. I love you so much and hope you have a great day!