Porter got his Graduation gift early because he claims "this is the time of year he could enjoy his bike" Spoiled!!! Doesn't he look like a little boy at Christmas. I have never seen him study something so intensely. :) Thanks Mom and Dad. You are too kind.

Yesterday was our "Easter Sunday" so she could wear her little Easter dress.

Monty and Kendra came to visit this weekend when Mark, Marsha, and Gunner came. The babies had fun rolling around and poking each other's eyes out :)
We had lots of fun playing at the park and eating pizza with the kids.

My whole family ran in the "Susan's Run" this past Saturday. Susan was our second cousin. She did last year of colon cancer at age 25. Such a sad story. It was fun to support their foundation and for our whole family to run. This is me on the last mile. Thanks for the lovely picture Britt :) j/k
Porter coming in on the last leg as well. He ditched me! Way to go babe. You did awesome!

Before the run.

In our "family power" uniforms. ha.

Gunner and Malli playing "catch"

Bryn, Malli, and Dayton playing in the doll house. It is so cute how they are old enough to all sit and play together now. I am sure we will have may eventful times ahead with these 3!

Mallory at the Easter Pageant.

At the Easter Pageant.

Mom and the girls making easter egg dippers

I took Mom coupon shopping. We had so much fun spending a the whole week together! Thank goodness for her week off work. We loved all the fun times.

Mallory and I tagged along with my parents and went up to St. George to visit my Grandparents. It was lots of fun but we sure did miss Porter. Poor guy was pretty lost without us too :) haha

Me outside the St. George temple

Mom and I did a session at the temple. It was beautiful

I learned how to clap!

Clapping with grandma

Mallory loves dogs. She had so much fun with my grandparent's dog, Twoie. They became quite the little buddies.

Roger and Jen (my aunt and uncle) came to St. George too and we all went up to Zion's National Park for a nice hike. Mallory loved it. Thank goodness for everyone helping me carry her in the pack.

Enjoying the fruits of our labors at the top of the hike.

Dad taking his shift packing Malli along.

Uncle Roger helped out too.

Malli loved Grandma and Grandpa's pond and fountains in the backyard. The weather was so beautiful there.

At Grandma and Grandpa's watching the BYU game.

Misti and Stratton came to visit.

We went to a spring training game with Misti and Stratton.

On Dad's work bucket.

Mallory working with Porter to clean out the truck.

The kids on St. Patty's Day.

We went up to Snowflake for a visit. Malli had fun playing with Grandma & Grandpa Caldwell.

Playing with cousin Brewer.

Mom and Dad took us up to eat at Red Devil in Show Low.
I think we saw every one of our grandparents, parents, siblings, in-laws, nieces, and nephews over these past 2 weeks with the exception of Taylor who is on his mission (and will be home in 4 months!). Family is the best! We love you all!