We be racin!
Today was Ethan's Run here in Mesa. I woke up and braved it alone. Although Porter is sporting his sweet shirt in the picture below and his running number, don't be fooled. He didn't make it to the race after a "2nd degree hamstring tear" he tells me. I guess that is what church softball does to ya :) The poor little guy came home limping and looked so pathetic last night. We were pretty bummed after training for the big 10K we planned on for today but oh well. Britts family was going to come too but they are all sick so it was kind of rough going for everyone this morning.

So here I am bright and early getting pumped for my race as a loner. I ran it in 48 minutes, close to my personal best time (I can't remember my old times exactly) so I was pretty happy since this was my first time 10K-ing it since having Malli. Ahhhh.... it feels so good at the END!

Where is Waldo (I mean Domini). Porter hogging all the glory when he didn't even make it out to run today due to his injury. ha.

Kiara got us girls all signed up for the London's Run last month. It was fun to run with such good company. haha. We had a good time even though we didn't quite come through with the win :) hahaha.
It feels so good to be running in races again.
I hope you get better soon babe. It is not fun without you.