On Saturday I ran in the Chosen Half Marathon for Adoption in San Antonio. It was a cold morning so the kiddos and Porter had to stay in the hotel but Porter took this sweet picture of me before I headed off.
Since I didn't have any fans :( I got this one awesome picture of the finish line. Ha.
The race was so much fun (or at least it seems so now that I am done)! I had a goal to beat my last time of 1:40 and I did it 1:38! I just found out I was 1 minute away from qualifying for the Boston Half! Darn! I also placed much higher than I had expected, all of which makes it all much more fun! I am a bit sore and have a swollen knee but overall I feel pretty good and was so happy with how I did. I am kind of sad I don't have a training schedule to follow anymore :( . ha. I loved having a goal in mind while exercising. Guess I will have to find something new to keep me motivated. I ended up with 7th overall women, and 2nd in my age! Some of the high placers were old ladies. There was a 65 year old women who took 2nd place! Crazy and inspiring at the same time!My stats (just for me to remember... not that anyone else would care)
Athlete: Domini Caldwell
Bib: 1387
Age: 28
Gender: F
Event: Chosen Marathon
Division: Half
Distance: 13.1 Miles
Age Group: Female 18-29
Chip Time: 1:38:40.285
Pace: 7:32 Min/Mile
Overall Place: 29 / 1069
Gender Place: 7 / 707
Age Place: 2 / 203
Female 18-29
1 1993 Kaleigh Newman 1:37:26.463 7:26
2 1387 Domini Caldwell1:38:40.285 7:32
3 2912 Mercedes Orten1:39:38.948 7:36
While we were in San Antonio we hit the zoo. It rained the whole time and none of the animals were out. It was a total bummer because it seemed like an awesome zoo on a normal day. Here is what we did most of the day... stayed under cover and froze!
Kaisley was bundled up and actually slept despite being rained on.
Then we went to a dinosaur museum because Mallory is really in to dinosaurs and bones in general. She loved it even though Porter and I thought it was a bit lame for the price. I guess it was worth it if she liked it. We were the only ones there, go to show how awesome it was :)
Last weekend was Angelo State University's homecoming. We hit the parade and football game. Malli loves the games, especially the 2 mascot Rams.. or as she calls them "Big stuffed animals that can move".
Kaisley at the football game.Me and my girl.

FHE pumpkin carving time. Kaisley loved being involved can you tell?
Bell and Snow White headed off to the trunk-or-treat.
With friend Mia.
With friend Brynlee.