Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Spooky Stuff

Yep. Thats him... my handsome hunk! ARGGG... pirate. (Porter had to dress as a pirate for work. Don't laugh... I tried to make him a FREE pirate costume. haha.)
Mallory, with her Daddy and Greatgrandpa. Happy 85th Birthday Grandpa Miller! We love you.
 Cheese!!! Mallory making pumpking pancakes for Halloween breakfast.
 Uncle Taylor came to visit for Halloween too!
 Mallory with cousins, Brewer & Cooper just before the trick-or-treating began! She loved her bee costume and was one cute little stinger even if I say so myself!
Cute kids!

1 comment:

grandma zona said...

Loved all the pics. Mallory is getting so grown up and is so cute. Loved the pic with her and Taylor. Leon looks great for 85 years old. Porter is a handsome pirate. Miss you all. We had a great time in Hawaii and Gramps is doing better. LOve, Grandma