We had a great Thanksgiving weekend! It was so much fun to have Porter home for 4 whole days and to spend so much time with family! We had Thanksgiving with the Caldwell side this year and had lots of fun. Mallory ate like a champ! :) She had so much fun playing all weekend with her cousins too. Here are lots of fun pictures.
Kase and Mallory waiting for food!
Mallory getting impatient...
At last! She loved everything!
Still eating when the boys were all finished.
The 3 kids had their own little table. It was so cute to watch them eat together. They really are growing up.
Playing... for 3 days straight!

Lined up oldest to youngest (even thought it might look youngest to oldest). Malli is the smallest of her cousins but the oldest and does a pretty good job of standing her ground with the boys.

Mallory loved having her Daddy home from work for 4 whole days!
Sweet Mal.
Playing pennyboard with Reagan.

The "Fam"