On Saturday I ran my first 1/2 marathon up in Eager AZ. I just decided to train for it after running the 10K here in Snowflake about 6 weeks ago. So, it was last minute but I figured it should be a breeze compared to the full marathon Porter and I did 2 years ago (yeah right!) :) I trained hard along with my little sweet Mallory. She was with me on most of my training runs, being such a little trooper in the jogger.
It was fun to have a running buddy (Mallory) since Porter was too busy to run this one with me since he has been working so hard for our family and taking more classes.
After registering for the race I realized the race was run at an elevation ranging from 7000-8000 feet. I was worried the elevation was going to kill me.
Anyway, the race was lots of fun and to top it all of I came in first place out of all women! I never imagined winning this crazy race but it sure did feel good. I finished in 1:40 which is better than I had hoped for. I did feel the elevation on the hills but it was not as bad as I expected.
I got some cool little prizes and plaques for winning, but no cash. We were hoping for a cash prize:) Porter is calling me his little race horse and wants to take me around to races to make a little extra dough ;)
Anyway, I feel like I am bragging and I feel silly posting all of this but I just don't want to forget how happy I was when all of the hard work paid off. I really loved waking up each morning to see what was on my training schedule for the day and feel a bit lost now that the race is over but oh well. I think I owe this one to Mallory, for keeping me company and making all of my runs more challenging pushing her in the jogger.
Oh, and thank you so much for my family coming to watch me on Saturday. I love you all so much! You are the best!!!