Arrghhhh!!! When will sickness finally stop for my sister and her family! It has been non-stop for them this past year and a half and I just wish there was something I could do. There is nothing worse than having sick kids and that is what my Sister has been dealing with for so long now on top of not feeling well herself! They just finished their new house and have made it so beautiful but when they were so close to enjoying it more sicknesses pop up! She is so amazing; I don't know how she does it.
Anyway, this week was going to be our "cousins camp" when 1 day into it my niece came down with a horrible virus so we had to rush her home to Mesa. The poor girl was so excited and her and Malli were having a blast already when it hit her. She is still not doing well and we are hoping and praying she can stay hydrated as she is on the verge of dehydration and her temp hit 106! Hang in there sis! I know things have to improve soon! Loves.
Below are some pictures of cousins camp (the whole 1 day we had of it). We have been so busy this summer having fun with family. Mallory took swimming lessons and loved it and we are having fun playing on a cousins softball team. There are oh so many festivities here in good ol' Snowflake! :)