We will probably be M.I.A. with the whole blogging thing for the next few months.
Colicky Baby (she is doing much better though)
Domini going back to work full-time tomorrow (with baby) yikes!!! :/
Porter starting 16 credits of school plus work next week
And all of the other busy events life brings!!
So, I am really nervous about this whole "taking baby to work" thing. I am so blessed I work at a job where they let me bring her with me but can not imagine how I am going to keep up with the hecticness of supervising a clinic while diapering, feeding, and entertaining a baby (on very little sleep each night I am sure). I sure do hope everything goes well! So, life will be crazy to say the least. I can't believe Mallory is already 6 weeks old and my maternity leave is over. Time has flown by. She has been such a fun little girl and we love her so much. It is amazing how fast you fall in love and would do anything for your child. She is such a little angel (even if she does get colicky at times). She is now tipping the scales at 8 pounds but everyone thinks she looks sooo tiny still.
Here are some pictures of our last weekend before the big plunge... :)
Britt threw Brynlie an amazing "Carnie Party" for her 3rd b-day yesterday. We had a blast. Thanks sis!