Ahhh, it feels so good that it is Sunday. The past few months have been sooo busy and filled with feelings of stress and anxiety as we get closer to the time we need to be moving to Colorado and still having resolution as to what to do with the house! It began to feel like it was eating up our day and draining all of our energy making phone call after phone call and looking for ideas and ways to sell. Prayer after prayer we began to feel like a broken record but in the past few weeks we finally feel that the Lord has showered us with blessings and peace of mind. Although, the house remains unsold, after much fasting and prayer we have had a lot of interest and seems in Alamosa seem to be falling into place. The Lord tells us to be patient and we know that he knows what is best for us but sometimes the natural man in feels so frustrated. We have both had such a wonderful feeling of our Saviors love these past few weeks after we had done all that we could do and as we turned our path over to the Lord and let him direct our paths. I love this quote by Neal A. Maxwell, "He who knows the path perfectly has promised, “Be of good cheer, for I will lead you along. The kingdom is yours … and the riches of eternity." The conference addresses in the Ensign this month have seemed to answer so many questions as well as our stake enrichment yesterday when the lesson was focused on the scripture, "Be Still... And know that I am God.". I know that if after all that we can do, we are "still" and let the Lord direct us, in time, we will be blessed as the Lord sees it fit for us. Another great quote I read the other day was "Faith is such a principle of power. God works by power, but this power is usually exercised in response to our faith." by Dieter F. Uchtdorf. Whenever we are feeling confused or stressed with the seemingly uncontrollable things in life if we are still and strenghen our relationship with our Savior and have faith I know we will be blessed. I just had to post how wonderful I know our Savior is and that he is there for all of us!!!
One other thing I feels so grateful for is family. My parents and my sister are so supportive and always trying to help in any way. I love them to death. Thank you for your friendship! We love you!
Below are a few pictures of what we have been up too. They are not too exciting though. We hope you are all doing well!!

goofy golf

hey, batta batta batta, swing!

We got to babysit Brynlie yesterday! She is soo silly! Happy Anniversary Britt and Aaron!!