Thursday, December 23, 2010

Getting Ready for Santa...

Leading up to Christmas is so much better than Christmas day itself. It seems so short lived once it actually gets here. I love the Spirit of Christmas and all of the happiness it brings. Here are a few pictures of the past week or so. Malli was not too fond of Santa but she did agree to giving him a kiss later that night. She is one fun girl and has loved having her cousins around for a few days! We can't wait for more fun to come. So... until I have time to post more of the fun.. here are just a few pics.

Silly girl loves books. She is our little bookworm!
We had a outdoor nativity at the Caldwell Party. It was pretty awesome but it is scary to think these 3 were our wisemen :)
Love the hair Porter!
Santa arrived to the party!
Malli... not to thrilled about sitting on Santa's lap.

And these last few pictures are of my little Christmas Gift that I get to play with every day! I love her so much!!!!! Can't wait for Christmas with you baby girl!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Merry Christmas...

Dear Family and Friends,

We hope this Christmas Season finds you healthy, happy and surrounded by your loved ones. We have a lot to be thankful for this year and we feel blessed to have so many wonderful people in our lives. We are thankful for the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ and are enjoy this season when we can reflect upon the things that matter most in life. We hope to keep in touch with you better and thought we should start by sharing what we have been up to in 2010. Here are a few highlights:
The biggest change for our family this year is that we have moved to Snowflake, AZ! Porter graduated from Arizona State University last May. He has decided to pursue physical therapy school next, but first he needed to gain experience working in the field. We were lucky enough for him to get a job working for White Mountain Physical Therapy back in our hometown. We were excited at the idea of moving back to Snowflake for a year while Porter worked at the physical therapy office and wait to hear if he is accepted to physical therapy school. He has really enjoyed working in this field so far. We are starting to hear back from some schools he has applied to requesting an interview, so that is a good sign. We are praying he will start school somewhere this summer!
Domini has been busy taking care of little Mallory and just started working a few hours a week for Head Start as their Nutrition Consultant. She couldn’t have a more perfect job for a stay-at-home mother. We are so grateful for this new opportunity.
We are team teaching the 17 year-old Sunday school class and have enjoyed doing that together.

Mallory is our little sunshine! She is now 17 months old and keeps us going. She loves reading books, 4-wheeler rides, and making crafts. She has quite the vocabulary already and can talk our ears off. We are so grateful to have her sweet spirit in our home.

We had a fun trip to Utah for a family reunion in October and have had the chance to spend a lot of time with family and friends this year. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all this Christmas Season.


Porter, Domini, and Mallory Caldwell

Monday, December 13, 2010


We just found out that Porter was accepted to Midwestern University's Physical Therapy Program here in Glendale, AZ! This was his first school to interview at so we will see if he gets any better offers at others schools but for now it looks like we are going to Glendale this June! It is such a relief to know that all of the hard work, and taking a leap of faith to move here so Porter could build his resume working here at White Mountain Physical Therapy, has paid off. I know this has happened because the Lord is looking out for us and helping us along the way. This is such a blessing and we are soooo grateful!
 I am so proud of you babe! You have worked so hard on for our family over the years. Working and school everyday for 5+ years is not easy but you have done it without complaint while being an amazing father and husband. We love you! Congrats!!!!!! You will make a great PT!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"Da Zoo"

This past weekend we went to Glendale for Porter's interview at Midwestern University. This was his first interview and we have another one lined up in January in Connecticut! We are hoping one of these two schools work out or that he gets more interview invitations in the next few months from other schools we applied to. The school was so nice though and Porter felt pretty optimistic after interviewing so now we will anxiously wait for a thumbs up or thumbs down. After the interview we went to Tucson to spend the rest of the weekend with Monty and Kendra and their kids. It was so fun. The highlights was "da zoo", as Mallory called it. The Tucson Zoo is perfect size and so nice. Mallory walked the whole zoo. She loves animals so it was well worth the trip. Thanks to Monty and Kendra for a good time!