This past weekend we went met my Dad's extended family in Green River Utah for a family reunion. I remember going there as a kid for family reunions to see the Geyser and Goblin Valley. I am so happy our grandparents are so involved in our lives and continue to keep the family close. I have so many fun memories with all of my cousins and it was so nice to see them all again. Mallory really liked the Geyser and loved playing in the water. But Goblin Valley was a rough day since Mallory had a fever and started throwing up later that day on the way home. We made it home though and she seems to be improving slowly. I hate watching my sweet little girl be sick. Overall the trip was lots of fun. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa! We love you!

Picture of Mallory yesterday. She was so weak she just laid down most of the day which she has NEVER done before. Poor baby girl.

Goblin Valley. All of these rock formations look like crazy Goblins.

The group (with Taylor this time :)

Our little fam.

This is where the water runs off from the geyser. It is beautiful how the rocks have formed.

Mallory fell asleep on the 4-wheeler then Mom enjoyed holding her since moments of her being still are soooo rare.

Mallory and I when the Geyser just started. Excitement! :)

The Dayton clan. (I am so sad I didn't get a picture of all 44 relatives there!)

Mallory loved the water.

My dad with his siblings and parents.