Today I took a second to stop all of the craziness to realize how blessed we are. Life has been crazy lately and it feels I havn't even had time to breathe. I was feeling overwhelmed with preparing for the baby, starting a new position at work, and trying to sell our house, all while feeling so big and tired. But, we truely are so blessed for all of the great opportunities we have and that we are so busy and that we have family, who seem to always be there for us. We are so blessed to be having a baby soon and that all seems well and healthy. I feel so grateful for everyones help with preparing for her, she truely is the most spoiled baby already! And most of all, I feel so blessed to have such a supportive, fun and helpful husband and family. Here are a few pictures of what we have been up to in May (besides Work, work, work!).

Britt took me for a much needed pedicure today. We had a good laugh as they ripped me off. I had never had a pedicure before and boy does every little thing add up. ha.

Porter and I went to Birthing classes on Friday and Saturday. Again, we had some good laughs as "Coach Caldwell" (Porter) taught me how to breathe. Everyone was so serious but I couldn't help but squeal a few times. :) Hopefully it will be helpful though.

Aaron shared his D-backs tickets with us. Again, family taking care of us.

I love my Mom. She NEVER stops going. We went to Snowflake a few weeks ago and in one day we canned chicken, beef, butter, planted flowers, and planted her whole garden. I don't think I saw her sit down once all day. She is always doing her best to follow the Prophet and the teachings of the church even if it means planting your garden in cardboard boxes :) Love you Mom!!!!

Mom and Dad working another section of their lovely garden :) We loved spending time with you guys.