The first time we saw you! It was so amazing to see Mallory for the first time. We loved her instantly.
Dad and Mallory just after birth.
3 generations
Our new little family.
Mom and her 3 Grandkids
Porter's family visiting
1 Day old
2 Days old
Getting ready to go home for the first time.
Going home!
Look at those big feet :)
This is what it did to Porter. What about Mom???? :)
I love you Dad.
Big Bear Hug!!!
Mallory Pauline Caldwell. Your were born to us on Monday, June 29, 2009. This is your story:
After two weeks of your Mom being in misery due to a rash that can sometimes come during pregnancy, the Doc set the date for Mom to be induced. Your parents arrived at the hospital on Monday, June 29, 2009 at 5:00 AM, you were 39 weeks and 2 weeks gestation by that day. It was explained that the nurses would first start giving your Mom a gel that is used to soften the cervix and she would not feel much for about 5 hours until the Pitocin was administered through her IV. The Pitocin would start around 10:00 AM and at that time the contractions would begin. So, after the gel was started and after about 20 minutes Mom asked Dad if he could see any contractions on the monitor because she thought she was feeling them, even though they were not supposed to be starting yet. Then, suddenly, 5 nurses and the Dr. at the hospital came running into the room. One nurse gave Mom a Trebutiline shot while another started her on oxygen and another was putting in an IV and another was trying to scoop the gel out. Your Mom and Dad looked at each other in confusion and with fear and tears in their eyes. The Dr. finally explained that your Mom’s body had not reacted well to the gel and that it was much too strong. Mom had an 8 minute long contraction without a single break so her uterus was cramping down on you for so long that you heart rate had completely gone off the monitors. She explained that if the heart beat didn’t come back we would be rushed in for an emergency C-section. Eventually the Trebutiline started to kick in and the contraction let up and your heart beat came back. We were so received but anxious and nervous from there on out. So, at 10:00 AM the Dr wanted the Pitocin to start to try to make the contractions come more regular. Again, Mom was having hard and long contractions that lasted longer than normal and were too hard on you. Your heart rate would go down but not as low as the first time luckily. After hours of adjusting Pitocin dosages through Mom’s IV and checking to see if she had dilated the Dr decided to try to break Mom’s water. Mom was only dilated to 1 cm but it was just enough for him to break her water. After that contractions were coming more naturally and in a much better pattern so we were all feeling optimistic about your birth going well. But, after a few hours, contractions were becoming irregular again and Mom was not dilating. She got her epidural and a few hours later the Doc made the decision to go in for a C-section. Mom and Dad were worried but knew it must happen and had faith that all would be okay. In the operating room the anesthesiologist accidently gave too low of a dosage so it took a while to get Mom numbed up enough for the surgery, eventually the Dr decided to start even tough she could slightly feel the procedure. Luckily that faded within a minute or two and you were out! You were born that at 7:35 PM. The sound of your cry brought tears to your parents eyes. They had never heard such a beautiful noise! The Dr.s said “It’s a girl with long beautiful eyelashes”. Your hair was so dark brown it looked nearly black and you were so cute! You received a 9 on your APGAR score which is amazing. You are such a healthy little baby weighing in at 6#7oz and 20.1 inches long. Mom and Dad decided to name your Mallory Pauline Caldwell. We sometimes call you Malli for short and you are lucky enough to carry the name of your Great Grandma Pauline who was such an amazing women. Everyone that has met you loves you already and thinks you are such a beautiful baby. You have already brought so much joy to those around you. Mom and Dad can’t wait to get to know your little personality and spirit.
Love, Mom and Dad
She is beautiful!! Congrats - so glad everything finally went well!
Oh, sounds like a rough few hours! I'm glad everything turned out good. You're a trooper. Congrats! She's so beautiful! Oh, I love newborns!
She is gorgeous! Congratulations guys! We are so happy for you!
Congrats!!!!! She is such an angel! I am glad everything ended up ok. Childbirth can be so stressful! I hope she is sleeping for you! That makes a big difference.
Coop wants to know who that little baby is. I told him its his cousin and he said she's to little to be his cousin she can't play. oh funny boy. I'm glad your home and everyone is doing well. Malli is adorable can't wait to see her. Give her a kiss from her aunt Marti.
Oh Domini- you endured so much for the birth of your first child. That story honestly made me want to cry for you. I'm so glad that everything turned out ok and that she is here and healthy and beautiful. Congratulations!
Glad everyone is home healthy! You had quite the day dom, what a woman! Sure do love ya, good luck with these next few weeks!
Thanks for sharing the story with us!~ Sorry it didn't go as planned :( Glad everything is ok tho now! I was telling Roger we need to make a trip to AZ to see you guys sometime! And meet mallory. I think it would be fun to hang out with you too...maybe even go on a double date...with Mallory too of course :)
Its amazing how things can go so different from what you planned! I'm glad everything ended up ok though. She is so tiny! I just can't get over it! I love it! Congrats and enjoy every minute you can! You won't believe how fast they grow up, especially when they are your own!
Yae! We were wondering if you had her yet but I kept forgeting to check the blogs. Im so glad you are both doing well now! Thats to bad you had to go c-sect but at least it was over with and she is here and healthy! Oh and no more rash has got to be so great! :) She is beautiful! I love what Porter posted, that was so sweet, there is nothing like a daddy and his baby girls. :) Take care and hopefully if your up sometime in the next little while we will get to see her. Take care. :)
Teresa and Michael
Congrats! She is adorable I'm so excited for you guys! You poor thing though, what a day! That's awful but isn't it funny that we still do it again? Just take care of yourself and sleep when she does. Yay!
She is BEAUTIFUL! I'm so glad everything worked out and she's healthy and HERE! You look great and I love how it's a letter to her you're so good! Good luck!
I'm so glad she's finally here and that everyone is healthy! I can only imagine how scary that was. She's beautiful!
oh my goodness... she is SO SO adorable porter and dom!
(grandma dixie told me you named her mallard. ha!)
So happy that it is over! It sounds like it was stressful labor and pregnancy but she is here now and that's all that matters! Can't wait to see her.
CONGRATS!! I am so happy for you guys! She is so beautiful.
oh my goodness you are a mazing and i am so happy to see you and baby doing great congrats she is beautiful
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