Well I stoped by the house for a second and I thought I would post a few pics of our beautiful little girl Malli. She came yesterday, all 6 lbs 7 oz of her. Everything didn't go quite as well as planed and the delivery ended in a C-Section. But all is well. Both Domini and Mallory are doing Great. I'll let Domini explain the details later.
I would have to say that I have never been prouder than the moment I saw that black hair beauty. The sound of her cry was the most precious i've heard, but I assume it won't be for long. I love you Mallory and I love you Domini for all your strength during the pregnacy,
She is Here!
Dom and Port...I sure do love you guys! Congrats on the sweet little angel,she is beautiful! I'm so glad mom and baby are doing well! Way to go Domini, it sounds like you had an extremley LONG day! There are no words that can explain those tender feelings after your sweet, perfect, little piece of heaven is in your arms! It's the best feeling in the world! Best wishes recovering...love you guys!
YAY!! CONGRATS YOU GUYS!! I SEE DOMINI IN HER FOR SURE!! I can't wait to see her with her eyes open ha ha! Cutie!! Sounds like a rough day yesterday glad she is here safe and sound and healthy. I cannot wait to hear how the delivery went! I love you guys! Thats awesome! YOUR PARENTS!! RIGHT ON!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! She is beautiful! Our girls are just a few days apart! I had my baby Thursday! I kept asking the nurses if a Domini Caldwell was in the Hospital. That would of been funny to be in there at the same time! Hope your C-Section Recovery goes well... Walk,Walk,Walk!!! That was the best advice I ever got on my C-Section and this one went so much better then the last! It hurts sooo bad to walk but it has helped so much with my recovery. Best wishes with the new bundle she is a cutie!
I have been waiting and looking for this post, thanks for posting!!
I am so glad she is here, and she looks so pretty. I am glad that both baby and mom are doing well, I am sorry about the hard day. I hope to hear more soon. Congratulations guys, that picture of your new family is priceless! Love you guys and hope all goes well.
I love the name, it is so pretty!
Well, you have made us proud great-grandparents for the 13th time and we are so happy to hear the good news and that all is well. We have been praying for our sweet lambie, Domini. Congrats to Dom and Porter. Glad you named her after Marty's mom. Love, Always, Grandma and Gramps
Doms and Porter, She is a Doll, and I love love her name. It already fits her and your family. Take care of your self doms, I am sorry for the c- section. The nurses told me that the pain after a c-section is better than tearing down stairs pain, so maybe your in luck. I love you guys, i cant wait to see mallory next weekend. I will call you.
CONGRATS you two!! There is nothing better than being a parent. She is a doll!! Hope you recover fast so you can enjoy your babe. I just checked Martis blog and couldnt help coming on over to take a peek of your new bundle of JOY!! Love her name!
CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!! That is so awesome. I am so happy for you guys!
Congrats! She is beautiful!!! I am so happy for you both! You have the most adorable little family now!!!
Congrats Dom and Porter! She is beautiful! Nathan's ended in a C-Section too (after 20 hours of labor - yuck). Make sure they give you one of those big white stomach bands! It SAVED me BIG time! If you have no idea what I'm talking about, have Britt get a hold of me. They are seriously the best thing in the world. I wore mine for a good 2 weeks! Congrats again!
Oh so cute...congrats!!
Oh hooray! Mallory is a doll. Take care recovering Domini! Congratulations to the new, proud parents!
congrats! She's beautiful. I gave my application to WIC yesterday.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! she is beautiful and you guys are now a cute little family! hope you are doing well, can't wait to see more pictures of Mallory. Love her name
Thanks for posting Porter! She is so beautiful! I love the picture of you two kissing her. I am still waiting to hear if the rash is gone. I sure hope so.
Congrats! She is so precious! And definitely looks like Domini! Having here her is a feeling you just can't explain huh! Being a mom is the B.E.S.T.!!!
you guys!!! she is beautiful [of course]
I am so happy for you, congrats little family ;)
enjoy her, every second...time flies!
CONGRATS! She is beautiful! Glad your both doing good. Get lots of rest and sleep when you can!
Congratulations! I am so excited for you guys! What a cute name.
i love new bornpussy
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