Since we have been back life has been a bit of a blur. I think Malli has colic or reflux because she just screams most of the day and night. We do get a few good hours a day but that is about it. I feel so bad for her and just feel so frustrated that I don't know how to help her. She is slowly gaining weight. We just weighed her on our scale and she is just about 7 pounds now! I think she is gaining weight slowly because she rarely sleeps and she uses all of her energy kicking and screaming. Poor girl. Hopefully this will get better soon. I am trying all of these different diets and we have been giving her gas drops and gripe water. Nothing has seemed to help yet but we are crossing our fingers we will find a solution soon. We love you Malli and hope you get feeling better soon! (Any suggestions anyone???)
Here are some pictures we took while in Snowflake. We had such a good time. Thanks to our familys for taking care of us and feeding us all weekend and holding Malli on those long nights of crying. We love you!
Misti laced these sweet Jordans on little Malli. They were Gunners when he was a baby. I think she still needs to grow into them.
Aunt Misti and Mallory
With Grandpa
All nice and clean after my bath.
My first time out to the games!! She really enjoyed it :)
Meeting my cousin Cooper
Going to the ball field with Dayton
With Dayton in their matching outfits
Porter coming by the house on his 10K run! He took 2nd in his age and ran it in 49 minutes! We are so proud of you!!! Not bad for not training :)
Hanging out with the fam and eating dessert
On a walk in the wind.
That's pretty much how Crew had been until he hit one month. Then he all of the sudden changed and is such a happy boy. He always seemed mad after he ate like his tummy hurt. I talked to my dr. and they said to try 1/4 teaspoon of Maalox every 6 hours. They said to try this and if it helped he probably had reflux. Oh ya and to keep him sitting up for at least a half hour after he ate. It seemed to help. Hope things start going better. She is such a doll!
Thats how my oldest Tatum was too! The first month was awful! We literally sat up all night with her and went through season after season of Smallville. The things that helped best were the gas drops (sorry they aren't working for Mallory) and she loved her swing. But we had to sit her in the bathroom in her bouncer and let the water run so the steam and the noise made her fall asleep. Good luck! And good thing she is so stinkin' cute huh! Just remember she will eventually get over it and that you will wish she was that sweet little tiny baby again! hah!
Hey Domini - Have you ever heard of having your baby lick on peppermint if they have colic? Someone told me that once when Jack had an upset tummy and I feel like it worked. Or you can just eat a peppermint (like those wrigleys mints and it has to be the peppermint flavor) with each meal and that will help her not get an upset belly from your milk.
If ya try it, I really hope it works for you! Good luck with that. She is a doll. I can't wait to see her at church :)
Hang in there you guys. I hate that frustrated feeling of desperation. If it makes you feel any better it will hopefully only last a few weeks. My advice is swaddling really really tight, and to be outside a lot but you can't really do that down here because it's too stinking hot. Good luck though. I hope the reflux thing calms down. That's a bummer.
Poor Mallory! I hope you find something that works. Its usually something that you eat and every baby is different. Maybe she just needs her aunt Marti to hold her. hehe! Give her a kiss for me.
That is no fun! I feel so bad for you guys because I know how you guys feel. Nash had acid reflux which wasn't diagnosed until he was 8 weeks. That boy could never be laid down. We always had to be holding him. He loved the baby carrier that straps to you because he could sleep while upright. We ended up getting him on prevacid which really helped. I'm sure it was nice to get some help from your parents.
How do you get Mallory's cute little bow to stay in her hair? What do you stick it with? Its cute!!! Cute pics!
she is such a doll.
I wish I would have seen you around =(
what a doll. That's terrible that she's having such a hard time. I don't have any answers for ya but my cousins baby was really bad. She screamed all day and night too and then one day she changed her diaper and there was a little blood in it so she got really scared and took her to the doctor. Finally they tested her cuz they'd been telling her collic all along and it ended up being something else. She was having tummy aches (it was worse but I don't remember the detail) but anything dairy that my cousin was eating was upsetting her really bad. Her diet was insane after that because she had to read labels and everything and couldn't eat the slightest bit dairy but the second she stopped eating that she was the happiest baby in the world. Good luck! She's a doll.
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