Well, Malli's due date was the 4th of July but we were lucky enough to have her here to celebrate with us. She has been such a good baby when we go on outings. Here are some fun pics of her on the 4th of July and enjoying the fireworks :) (We didn't get much of a reaction from her. haha)
So sweet! I love her.
Congrats Domini! I am so happy for you. =) She is such a cutie! You two are going to be awesome parents. I wish you both the best.
Congratulations! What a sweet little girl! I just love her outfit! I can't wait to meet her! I hope you are feeling well Domini! Sounds like a hard delivery! Take care!
Congrats Domini! She is beautiful! I'm so happy for you guys!
I love the little fireworks coming out of the top of her car seat. That is so cute. Congrats again she is darling.
Hey Dom! Congrats she is so pretty! I understand a little of your delivery and I want to assure you that your next c-sec will be much better with out actuall labor, I almost felt guilty for not being in as much pain as before! hehehe if that is possible! Anyways so happy for you and Porter, you guys are great and she is super lucky! love ya lotts take care of that sweet spirit, and I hope I get to see her before she gets to big!
YAY! Her first holiday!! How fun!
I just love little Mallory and you guys are such cute parents. I am so ticked that I still haven't been able to really hold her though! I am dying to get my hands on that girl! I think I am finally getting well though so maybe this weekend. :) hope you are surving and getting some rest. You seem to be doing so good with all this new mom stuff! You are adjusting much faster than I did. :)
Call me anytime!
Love you lots!
Congrats Domini! I never really can tell who babies look like but I totally think she looks like you. She is so darling. I'm so happy everything turned out okay and hopefully your rash is gone.
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