Colicky Baby (she is doing much better though)
Domini going back to work full-time tomorrow (with baby) yikes!!! :/
Porter starting 16 credits of school plus work next week
And all of the other busy events life brings!!
So, I am really nervous about this whole "taking baby to work" thing. I am so blessed I work at a job where they let me bring her with me but can not imagine how I am going to keep up with the hecticness of supervising a clinic while diapering, feeding, and entertaining a baby (on very little sleep each night I am sure). I sure do hope everything goes well! So, life will be crazy to say the least. I can't believe Mallory is already 6 weeks old and my maternity leave is over. Time has flown by. She has been such a fun little girl and we love her so much. It is amazing how fast you fall in love and would do anything for your child. She is such a little angel (even if she does get colicky at times). She is now tipping the scales at 8 pounds but everyone thinks she looks sooo tiny still.
Here are some pictures of our last weekend before the big plunge... :)
Britt threw Brynlie an amazing "Carnie Party" for her 3rd b-day yesterday. We had a blast. Thanks sis!
good luck at work. i hope everything goes well!
She's such a doll!
Good luck with everything! Why does life have to be sooo dang busy huh? Love ya, take care!
Thats fun! I didn't know you were going back to work full time? What a bummer man!! I bet you so much rather be with the baby! That time will come I am sure!! Roger will be taking 17 credits this semester...yikes! I guess we can kiss our husbands goodbye for a few months until the semester is over right? I love the picture of you three and Malli looking over at the wooden frame/picture thing behind you!
Dom I just have to say I admire you. I think that is really cool your attitude on everything from the rash, to a colicky baby and now going back to work full time with a baby. I think that your a strong girl and its neat how you are handling everything. I hope when I have a child I can be strong as well! Good luck
you are a brave, and lucky girl. Jobs that allow you to bring your baby to work are hard to come by, that's awesome. I'm sure you'll be able to juggle everything, might be crazy at first but you'll do great. You look fantastic too! Try to keep the blog coming though, she'll look so different if you wait months =)
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