Mallory started smiling "sociably" this past week. We just love to get her smiling and sometimes she even lets out a little giggle. We tried to capture some on camera. Here are some pics. This past week she has been such a trooper. She has spent 9 hours a day away from home in a small office working with me, going to seminars all day, and traveling to other clinics in Phoenix in the heat. This little girl is always on the go with me. Poor thing never really gets naps. She has been such a good sport though. We love you so much Mallory!
What a doll. She really is smiling. I was surprised. Luv U!
Love her smile!
Malli is getting so cute and smiling. So happy to get the pictures, and Domini you look back in shape, but I am worried about your busy schedule. I am praying that Malli gets over her colic soon so life will be a little easier for you. You are our special little lambie and we worry about you. We have had fun with Brynlie and Dayton the past two days. Take care. Love you, Grandma Z
Hi! Hope you and the babe are doing well- glad to hear you are surviving the working with the baby routine...that sounds like quite a challenge :)
Hi Domini! What a beautiful little girl you created. Congratulations! You are a wonder women!
Superwoman! Keep hanging in there Dom, sure do love ya!
aw I love it! She looks so much like you Domini!
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