WE ARE MOVING TO SNOWFLAKE next month!!!!!!!!!!!! Porter has an awesome opportunity to work as a Physical Therapy Tech so he can earn work experience hours prior to applying to PT school. So, we will most likely be there for a year!
p.s. If anyone knows of anywhere super cheap to live let us know!
I will miss my Sister and her family soooo much when we move. I still can't even bare the thought of leaving. :(
She's not ugly (of course not!), but THIS RASH is...
Look at that awful rash. It breaks my heart every time I look at her poor skin. She had a few little bumps on her face Wednesday night and we thought it was a heat rash. Then, this is how she woke up yesterday. We took her to the Dr. and found out she had an allergic reaction to the amoxicillin. She started that 8 days ago though, for her ear infection, so we didn't think it could be that. The Dr. said a reaction can happen at any time. Poor baby. She is covered from head to toe with this nasty rash. The pictures don't even do it justice. Today I see a small improvement but she just doesn't even look like herself. Hopefully she will feel better soon. I hate how meds take one problem away but start another! Ah.
She was still up for a swim at the pool with her cousins. Rash and all. Doesn't she look hilarious in those glasses.
Love you Malli. Get better!
Yay! I bet you guys are excited to be closer to your parents?! That is exciting!
Poor baby! It is no fun dealing with stuff like that! Hope she feels better soon!
How exiting!! I have to say a bit Jealous!! Thats so awesome that he will be able to get the good experience!
Her rash is soo sad!! Poor baby! I have heard alot of people say there babys are allergic to that
Oh Poor Girl! I did the same thing when I was a little girl! They gave me that same medication and I broke out into hives all over my body! I have never been able to take it since!
I am excited for you guys moving to Snowflake! I only know of One Physical Therapy company in Snowflake, so if it is the one I am thinking of :) he will learn lots!! haha
Domini...you lucky girl you!!! I'm sooooo jealous. You,Kiara, & Callie all at home...no fair! That's awesome for Port!!!Judd had that same rash last summer! No more amoxacillin for us either! Judd and Malli are soul mates!!!HAHA! Love ya dooga!!
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