Britt took me for a much needed pedicure today. We had a good laugh as they ripped me off. I had never had a pedicure before and boy does every little thing add up. ha.
Porter and I went to Birthing classes on Friday and Saturday. Again, we had some good laughs as "Coach Caldwell" (Porter) taught me how to breathe. Everyone was so serious but I couldn't help but squeal a few times. :) Hopefully it will be helpful though.
Aaron shared his D-backs tickets with us. Again, family taking care of us.
I love my Mom. She NEVER stops going. We went to Snowflake a few weeks ago and in one day we canned chicken, beef, butter, planted flowers, and planted her whole garden. I don't think I saw her sit down once all day. She is always doing her best to follow the Prophet and the teachings of the church even if it means planting your garden in cardboard boxes :) Love you Mom!!!!
Mom and Dad working another section of their lovely garden :) We loved spending time with you guys.
So many times we place so much emphasis on the things that are crazy in our lives that we don't sit down and really think about everything we are blessed with. Thanks for the reminder.
Well you're still looking great! What an exciting time of life! I'm impressed you were able to convince Porter to go to the birthing classes. John just flat out told me no. Ha ha, I guess we still survived.
You are looking so cute sis! I know you are ready to have this little girl though! I am getting so excited! Hang in there. It was a fun weekend.
love you tons!
p.s. I did not "take you" to get a pedicure since you wouldn't let me buy it! You are a little stinker! :)
Hey Doms, cute picts. You're looking so cute. I'm excited for you...You only have like 3 or 4 weeks left, right? Yea.
How fun! You look darling too! Just a little basketball in that belly. Next pregnancy I'm going to be a little more careful of weight gain =) that's awesome that you guys went to birthing classes, I always wondered what those would be like and thought they would be fun. You'll do great, its not as scary as we all think our whole lives, you'll be SO ready to have the relief of the baby out of you by that time that the birth will be the easiest part of the whole pregnancy. Good luck!
Way to go Dom. I am glad you got a day to pamper yourself! By the way, genious idea with the garden in boxes. Maybe I will have to get together with your mom so I can have a garden too!
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