Blow out your candles! Bryn made him the cute little cupcake suckers. Thanks guys!
Yum... He requested German Chocolate Cake
Wake up! It's your b-day!
Of all places he chose McDonalds for his B-day breakfast. ha.
And of course, his b-day wouldn't be complete without his annual Birthday Basketball game. I swear he has one every year.
Dear Porter,
I can't believe you turned 25 yesterday! It seems we were just 2 little shy kids in high school just starting to "speak words" :). We have been through quite a bit together in the past 7 1/2 half years. I love you more each day and can't wait to have many more b-days with you. I love your love for life and happy attitude. Your are such a great example, friend, and husband. I love you and hope you had a wonderful b-day!!!!
Happy Birthday Porter! Your half way to 30! ;)
happy birthday little brother. looks like you had a fun day!
Woohoo Happy Birthday Porter looks like you had a great day, and i cant believe you are 25 that just sounds crazy!
Happy Birthday Porter! We felt so honored to get to celebrate with you at McDonald's with the old folk. :) Aaron is proud to see "the face" you are making... haha! NICE!
Hey Domini!
Congrats on your new baby, that is so exciting! I was wondering if there was a way to get a hold of Brittney~I have some questions for her about NAU. Can you have her email me or something??
Thank you Domini! Tell Porter Happy Birthday!
Wendy McCullough
YAY!! We both had Birthdays! Man we are old farts!
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